Category Archives: Politics

Another reason to be concerned about illegals–gun controls will be imposed

Not to be ignored, this dem strategy of changing the demographic–and idiots like Paul Ryan open the borders.

One long term casualty of unchecked immigration is predicted to be the second amendment, according to this pin head UCLA Law School Prof.

Read here.

What about those illegals and invaders?

The Center For Immigration CIR, my go to source for in depth immigrations studies, provides an interesting and somewhat optimistic take on how to reduce the demographic train wreck.

The author says a lot of em will go back home on their own? Really? And what about the jihadis?

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The executive branch is a criminal enterprise–IGs are neutered

Let’s talk about the Inspector General system when criminals control the White House.

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Henry Kissinger–a talker and a compromiser, rumiinates with his buddies on nuke war

Junky psychology and social/political ideas produce junk foreign policy and foreign relations. The latest exhibit from the evidence room is the Iran appeasement deal that gives the game changing opportunities to confirmed vicious terrorists.

I always thought it odd that a guy like Kissinger who lived in America from his high school years, could maintain his Bavarian “accent” for a lifetime. He reminds me of people I know who had a Brit accent after spending a year or two studying in England.

However, Kissinger’s accent is a part of his persona and his influence set us on a road to maybe extinction while he has never apologized for all his mistaken appeasements and compromises. Agreements with thugs don’t work, but he is a man with a hammer, or should I say a mouth and a pen. He believes he can talk to a viper and makes deals with criminals.

Henry left us a blizzard of paper work, commentary and a number of meaningless and ineffective treaties and agreements and is still spoken of by the foreign policy and political establishment like the sacred Council on Foreign Relations, as an iconic giant.

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Blogger mom brings down Chicago School Superintendent

I like this story, you should too.

Mother of a 6th grader in Chicago Schools sees a no bid contract–and the super goes down.

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Another example of irresponsible polling

Here’s the essay. CNN cheats on polling? Really?

I did my first poll in my life last week. I saw Marist on the ID and called them back. Continue reading

What if Stalin had computers–he would have killed millions more

I was stunned to read The Black Book of Communism (1999) because, even though I knew of the horrors of the Stalins purges and his famines and gulags, I had no sense of the magnitude of the killing by the commies in so many other settings.

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Former US Attorney General Mukasey warns of the outlaw bamster DOJ

This is some pretty scary stuff. But we knew about it.

Mukasey says that the bamster AG office at the Department of Justice is a criminal enterprise–and is intent on all sorts of mayhem for the Republic.

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Thomas Sowell writes a three part series on Political Charlatans and the public ignorance they thrive on

Thomas Sowell is a living legend of economic and political, social science wisdom.

Here he discusses our predicament:

In a series of 3 essays.




I have on my shelves or have given to the local University Library most of the many Thomas Sowell boooks on economics, race, demographics, migrations, philosophy, ethics. What a man and an icon. Too bad the good ones get old. Sowell is now past 80, but still writing prolifically.

One time I picked up the phone and called Hoover–and he answered his own phone with that classic black deep voice you hear so often–must be genetic. Very nice man and all I could say was thanks for his efforts and I was a big fan.

Kind of like my standard line at work–thank you for your service–for all those soldiers I meet and care for.

The totalitarian in chief pops off too much

Junk Science on gun control and criminal law/law enforcement and this repeated talk about an impending police state, even dictatorship–guess this empty suit with no understanding of history likes to puff and pose.

Apparently he finds political opposition and liberty an offense to his extreme self esteem and vision of himself as anointed one.

And he never was a legal scholar, as clearly elucidated by Jack Cashill–nor was he a professor of anything but Alinskyite mob agitation.

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Death with Dignity advocates sound so smart–not

Well this Nick, a typical modern-day journalist who writes more than he reads and has a political agenda sewn onto his sleeve, discusses euthanasia, so much the stylish thing in the post modern socialist dominated era. Bioethics now reflects a nihilistic utilitarianism energized by amoral secular statist collectivism.

I think euthanasia is just one more stylish assault on the traditions of civilization, west or east–after all respect for the life of an individual is fundamental.

I adhere to the position of Paul McHugh, University professor at Johns Hopkins, former member of the presidential ethics commission, Professor and former Chair of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins.

McHugh said life in each human is precious and euthanasia is a canard and trap that relates to socialist view that human life is not so important as the collective.

Don’t score well on your quality of life–be gone, don’t be a burden to the collective.

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History lesson–George McGovern, the bamster, and Syria

The writer points out what many people forget, George McGovern worked for the commies in his early career, represented the hard left as a Senator and then presidential candidate, and his speech to the Dem convention was right out of the playbook of FDRs 1944 “necessitous man” state of the Union speech with the added touch of pacifism and withdrawal from foreign matters.

Read this very cogent essay on why McGovern presaged the democrat party shift to the left and this bamster mess with the resultant decline of America.

McGovern got the America he wanted. Consider that more tha 40% of the people in this country can be counted on to vote democrat.

We are so screwed.

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May I suggest this David French essay on how to man up.

I can’t believe the weakling pussies who walk the earth–always working on their victim or grievance agenda.

David French discusses the difference between men and weenies.

Wanna hear a great story about a great lady–Candy Carson, musician, scholar, mother, grandmother–what a lady

I had no idea Ben’s wife is so special.

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Jobs, unemployment, immigrants, native born

Lookee here–a comparison of native born employment with immigrant.

Of course the non participant number is up to 94 million, a rate in the low 60s, the worst in decades.

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Behavioral Scientists promote systematic government tyranny

The scientism of these writers, who are in psych/behavioral areas of inquiry, is scary and only exceeded by their arrogant assertions that a scientific oligarchy should help the statists control society.

How appropriate that they would be published by the pretentious magazine Scientific American.

They take the strategy of Cass Sunstein articulated in his book Nudge a step further, elevating the psych and propaganda machine of the Ruling Class Nomenklatura to a special place of influence and dominance, where the elites can help the government control the populace.

Does this essay make you think of Fredrich Hayek’s warning about the fatal conceit and George Orwell’s dystopia in 1984?
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More on Pope Karl I and his commitment to the leftist agendas

So the new clown prince of the left says that air conditioning is symptomatic of of our lack of stewardship? Ain’t the little creep somethin’?

Doesn’t he realize that progress is good for the human race and the welfare of humans? Or maybe he is to deep into the socialist/communist/enviro ideology to see his error? Did you ever think we would have this bad a pope? Maybe now you can believe that the commies were infiltrating all the institutions, not just political ones.

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Here’s a health tip: Stay away from Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Med Center

Any healthcare institution that values political correctness over public health is no healthcare institution at all.  All the folks who think this will stop with the Gay Mafia are very much mistaken. Continue reading

Ray Kelly, Top Cop in NYC, splains Dinkins, Guiliani, broken windows and policing

Kelly says that Dinkins wasn’t so bad and handed Guiliani a chance to be a hero. Continue reading

Consider the observations of James Burnham–an insightful man–on the ruling class

Troubling events and bad trends cause me to worry, and you do to–admit it.

Continetti is a well known writer, regular columnist for the magazine Commentary and essayist for Weekly STandard.

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