The executive branch is a criminal enterprise–IGs are neutered

Let’s talk about the Inspector General system when criminals control the White House.

This essay by Michele Malkin goes over the systematic destructin of internal audit and enforcement of the law.

Under these circumstances of disabliing the IGs one must ask–what is the Congress doing–you think they don’t know?

3 responses to “The executive branch is a criminal enterprise–IGs are neutered

  1. Once a Republican is back in the White House, the Democrats and the mainstream media will make certain the IG’s will get their power back.
    However, all of their powers will be directed at harassing the new Republican administration, not on reviewing all the crimes of the prior one.

    • Exactly! The past is to be left alone if it is the nefarious past of a neo-Communist.

      But no stone can be left unturned if it might give rise to a Conservative’s fall.

  2. Any Conservative President following Obama must do the utmost to root all of his poison pills out of the bureaucracy.

    Obama and his cronies have been hiring little trolls for most of a decade now.

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