Category Archives: climate science

Nye is no science guy, he is a science duufus

But the man has a microphone and a camera, and in the world today–that’s better than competence, that’s notoriety and fame.

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Wanna tell me what the Treaty of Paree will accomplish

So here’s Stern talking about an agreement that is non binding, and doesn’t really amount to a treaty or something like that?

I think they should just have a nice time, eat some good French food, go to the sites, come home and shut up.

Todd Stern’s testimony sure doesn’t make much sense.

Heidi Cullen, enviro prostitution at Climate Central

Heidi got my attention more than a year ago as a fanatic warmer, who was always pitching warming on the weather wanted to eliminate any meteorologist who didn’t toe the line on the warming crusade, and she was, of course the lead warmer whore at Weather Channel. Continue reading

Now we have climate tipping points

Just before COP21 we have a study that has come up with climate tipping points and climate doom.  Continue reading

Indur Goklany writes about the benefits of carbon dioxide to the human race and the planet

CO2 will green up the planet, increase food supplies, and improve water effects–since more carbon dioxide makes plants less vulnerable to drought.

Did you know that? Indur, as exemplified by this essay, is an expert on well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. I have introduced him and been on panels with him at Heartland Climate conferences.

Indur is a prolific researcher and writer, and I have a collection of his works. He tends a web site with many good papers on weather events, human catastrophes, deaths from floods, epidemics, cold and heat waves, cyclonic events.

Goklany’s work shows what Julian Simon proved in his economic history work, the condition of the human race has improved in the past Century, particularly attributable to progress due to fuels and energy development–but we knew that, didn’t we.

Viv Forbes, geologist, talks climate and scaremongers

The past includes some pretty bad climate times, points out the essayist from Australia.

The essay also provides some reference points. Scaremongering for political purposes is an old strategy.

Just this week a group claimed that the oceans would inundate all the coastal cities–300 years from now. And I can’t get a weather forecast that’s reliable? We’ve got another drought in Texas and I was promised the great El Nino rains, sometime soon, like this year–so come on.

Let’s make rain soon, my horses look forlorn and are getting pretty pushy about getting some extra food every day–the browse for the deer is also coming up pretty pathetic.

French meteorologist axed for warning of the warmer insanity

This is another scandalous effort to silence a scientist and an expert on weather and climate.

Thanks to Joe Bast and Willie Soon for forwarding this news.

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Joe Bast assesses the battlefield on climate/warming/global environmental political war

Below I post an essay on the present state of affairs written by Joe Bast, president of the Heartland INstitute of Chicago, one of the leading organizations dedicated to opposing warmer/climate change/environmentalism nonsense science and policy making. We are all committed to protecting the environment but opposed to socialist, leftist statist highjacking of the cause for their malignant political purposes.

I have been working with Joe Bast now for more than 10 years and find him to be a good editor and writer, excellent organizer and political strategist. I have benefited from my association with Heartland Institute and the many people associated with Heartland.

Today Joe sent me an essay (pasted below) that states his assessment of the current political state of affairs related to the climate change/warming crusade and environmental policy battles. Paris is coming up and compels hims to consider the progress of the war as one of its generals and strategists. Continue reading

More on global cooling

Many years ago I introduced a climate scientist from Mexico’s Meteorologic Study Center at Monterey at a Heartland Conference who predicted cooling ahead.

Here’s another discussion of the issue that has been raised by many–the sun is not so active, that usually has implications.

An essay advocating protecting scientists from harassment

This writer says scientists are unfairly attacked–but I would suggest that scientists who become advocates and are guilty of fraud should be exposed.
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Carbon Dioxide is a food stock, not a pollutant.

Two insightful pieces from the Heartland on the carbon dioxide issue, one an interview of Sherwood Idso on the essential nature of CO2 in the food chain, and the other, a co authored essay by Sherwood and his son Craig, both experts on carbon dioxide effects in the environment. Continue reading

Carbon shlock very much like snake oil or rainmakers

A discussion about the scam that is the carbon dioxide crusade.

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Cruz takes down Sierra Pres clown

I like this.

It’s why they don’t like to debate us. They are factless, clueless, evidenceless, but confident that they are right.

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Paul Driessen discusses the Pope’s crusade of foolishness, another terrible development

Pope Francis has completed his tour of the United States, and I gave a dozen radio interviews on his visit, his encyclical, and his ideas about energy, climate change, economic development, and improving the lives of poor people everywhere. Hopefully my article will generate spirited discussion … and an actual “conversation which includes everyone” – to quote His Holiness – instead of just another lecture or continued cries about climate cataclysms by the closed circle of environmentalist advisors with whom he has thus far surrounded himself.

Thank you for posting my article, quoting from it, and forwarding it to your friends and colleagues.

Best regards,

Paul Continue reading

Spencer on Juaquin–it’s the same storm east or west, warmers

I appreciate Roy Spencer’s insights and he way he exposes the silliness of the warmers.

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Ronan Connolly and Willie Soon on temp records

The information on the paper is provided by Ronan here below.

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Paul Driessen on the new RICO strategy of the totalitarian warmers

They wanna RICO lawsuit with its punitive damages penalties–but how could they demonstrate any damages–they have rigged the game.

This is more like the thought police and the recently developed laws on hate crimes and speech crimes.

RICO doesn’t involve proving a crime, it involves proving a criminal venture, a criminal collusion or enterprise.

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Dr. Alan Carlin, former Senior EPA analyst, writes a comprehensive book on the craziness of the EPA

Alan Carlin has all the credentials, Cal Tech undergrad in physics, MIT PhD in Economics. He was a Sierra Club activist in the early days, President of the biggest local Chapter of the Sierra Club before the Sierra became a rich enviro NGO, yada yada.

Carlin worked for Rand and then the EPA, 38 years with the EPA.

Carlin wrote critiques of the EPA’s Climate/Warming junk science/economics while in the organization, particularly as a critique to the run up to the Clean Air Act–and particularly their commitment to the warming nonsense. He resigned in disgust with the conduct of the agency. The book Environmentalism Gone Mad is his thorough and insightful portrayal of an Agency and an environmental movement taken over by fanatics and fraudulent science and economics–most of all complicity in the lies of the IPCC and it’s agit prop efforts to make a case for carbon dioxide caused catastrophic warming with junk science propoganda driven by political agendas in the UN and international climate agitators and activists with a heavy socialist stink. Continue reading

Pat Michaels on the modeler failures

I am with Michaels–how could these people still be considered legitimate scientists? How could they look at themselves in the mirror?

If I had their record of failure–i would sell real estate, put a bag over my head.

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Roy Spencer reviews the modeling problems–90 models that fail to compare with reality.

Always good to go back to the basic problem–the warming crowd is just plain out to lunch–their models aren’t working.

If climate was sensitive to carbon dioxide the way they think, they should be able to show us the evidence.
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