Category Archives: Environmentalism

Nye is no science guy, he is a science duufus

But the man has a microphone and a camera, and in the world today–that’s better than competence, that’s notoriety and fame.

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Hammering the Truckers with Air Pollution Junk Science

Here’s my friend James Enstrom, PhD MPH and warrior on the battle of air pollution nonsense by the EPA and it’s surrogate the California Air Resources Board.

The war is now in it’s 8th year at a high level of intensity. I have many friends and allies in the CA scientific and business/Transportation community.

Diesel engine emissions have always been an obsession of the enviros in CA and at the EPA. When you hear small particles, just think diesel, even though the small particle could be dust or some other naturally occurring air particle as well–the toxicology and epidemiology research is pretty damn sloppy, but the EPA doesn’t care.

Enstrom is critical as an epidemiologist who said, based on a comprehensive study of California that there is no small particle air pollution death effect in CA. His study refutes the claims of hundreds of thousands of deaths put out by the EPA to justify their air regs on diesel and engine emissions.

I like Jimmy for that.

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Roundup is a very useful herbicide, and it is safe

Even maninstream media, a lefty outlet for sure, can find good things to say about Roundup.

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Marita talks about the nonsense of fracking causing earthquakes

Consider this, nuclear testing didn’t cause earthquakes.

But more improtant, as described, if you put the seismographs on alert, guess what, they will find earthquakes. Continue reading

Patrick Moore celebrating carbon dioxide–an inspiration

Patrick Moorewas formerly a crazy enviro–devoted to the idea that he was smarter than the rest of us.

He was a founding and active, energetic member, an out front guy for the Greenpeacers.

Take a look at his recent speech, that makes good sense, just like the speeches he has given at Heartland Climate Conferences. Continue reading

Habitat exchange another property rights grab by the enviros

Here’s another fanatic EPA and Department of the Interior attempt to steal property rights for some bird or animal–and a discussion about how the concept of habitat trading would expand.

And government always does expand, doesn’t it?

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Paul Driessen discusses the new inquisition–intolerance of the enviro totalitarians

Paul has an important one here:

How the intolerant left pushes and demands to end dissent or opposition.

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Heidi Cullen, enviro prostitution at Climate Central

Heidi got my attention more than a year ago as a fanatic warmer, who was always pitching warming on the weather wanted to eliminate any meteorologist who didn’t toe the line on the warming crusade, and she was, of course the lead warmer whore at Weather Channel. Continue reading

Joe Bast assesses the battlefield on climate/warming/global environmental political war

Below I post an essay on the present state of affairs written by Joe Bast, president of the Heartland INstitute of Chicago, one of the leading organizations dedicated to opposing warmer/climate change/environmentalism nonsense science and policy making. We are all committed to protecting the environment but opposed to socialist, leftist statist highjacking of the cause for their malignant political purposes.

I have been working with Joe Bast now for more than 10 years and find him to be a good editor and writer, excellent organizer and political strategist. I have benefited from my association with Heartland Institute and the many people associated with Heartland.

Today Joe sent me an essay (pasted below) that states his assessment of the current political state of affairs related to the climate change/warming crusade and environmental policy battles. Paris is coming up and compels hims to consider the progress of the war as one of its generals and strategists. Continue reading

EPA swat teams

Here is a report on the well armed EPA.

The aggressive nature of federal agencies on display.

Vaquita porpoises get a National Geographic story

This rare porpoise that apparently is only seen in the Sea of Cortez, is another opportunity for the misanthropic enviros at National Geographic to lecture the benighted masses of careless humans, like those fishermen.

They really like the issue of the disappearing wildlife and species–and like most enviro mags, they surely would say Humankind is a Cancer on the otherwise bucolic and orderly planet. Irresponsible humans are endangering a porpoise? The oceans are a desert because of humans?

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EPA screws up another mine site clean up–causes spill

This toxic spill from another shut in mine, The Standard Mine close to Crested Butte,was not so big, 2000 gallons, as Gold King, 3 Million gallons, but the same EPA bungling and delay in response.

These people apparently don’t understand that drilling holes has consequences.

Colorado officials are upset.

Here’s the report.

EPA WOTUS overreach now enjoined in all 50 states by the 6th circuit

The EPA said it wasn’t going to slow down on the states that didn’t sue to stop the expansion of the Clean Water Act definition of Waters of the United States (WOTUS), but woops, the 6th Circuit enjoins the EPA and stays the WOTUS expansion for all 50 states.

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Milloy puts up the report on EPA spending and their long list of dependents

Tom Coburn has been exposing federal gov spending excesses for years.

This report on the EPA provides stunning information on the gravy train was tweeted by Milloy today, but deserves addition mention and a wider audience.

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Affordable diesel autos in America–dream on

The EPA will work the NOX and Small particles thing until my horses get a new job.

Of course the real goal is the most inefficient form of auto–the electric auto. Continue reading

Bob McTeer get’s out the old David Ricardo lecture on trade

All of what McTeer says is true, trade is good, improves markets. Tariffs generally are antagonistic to market and anti-competitive. McTeer is for the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement. I think the agreement has poison in it, just like so many of these international agreements–look to who gets to write them.

McTeer gives some good examples for being a free trader.

However he glosses over my and Lawrence Kogan’s biggest objection to the trade deals–too often they incorporate clauses and reference laws and policies that are part of the leftist, socialist, internationalist agenda–for example the agreements for trade often incorporate the precautionary principle and fanatic environmentalism and all that they entail.

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Cruz takes down Sierra Pres clown

I like this.

It’s why they don’t like to debate us. They are factless, clueless, evidenceless, but confident that they are right.

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Paul Driessen discusses the Pope’s crusade of foolishness, another terrible development

Pope Francis has completed his tour of the United States, and I gave a dozen radio interviews on his visit, his encyclical, and his ideas about energy, climate change, economic development, and improving the lives of poor people everywhere. Hopefully my article will generate spirited discussion … and an actual “conversation which includes everyone” – to quote His Holiness – instead of just another lecture or continued cries about climate cataclysms by the closed circle of environmentalist advisors with whom he has thus far surrounded himself.

Thank you for posting my article, quoting from it, and forwarding it to your friends and colleagues.

Best regards,

Paul Continue reading

Sel Graham on the EPA Carbon Dioxide liar’s club

Editors note–this attempt to copy paste Sel Graham’s essay has resulted in a strange thing–all the links drop out.

Master of the web site, Milloy, has been asked to attempt to kill the problem so Sel’s complete essay with links will entertain and inform you. Sorry

john 1282

Sel has always, as an petrol reserves engineer and lawyer, been all over the silly EPA claims on fuels and carbon dioxide. He is my friend and ally.

Here’s his latest column. He writes regularly for a local newspaper.

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Chapter ____ in the Enviro book of scares–plastic

Of course you can bet on the BBC to have another scare to talk about and find advocates whose research confirms that man is destroying the planet.

Mind if I am a little skeptical of the claims about big bad plastic. Plastic is very important as a packaging material and protects the integrity of the food supply when it is used. It substitutes for wood based packaging that has its own problems.

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