Calling all bear lovers–National Geographic

So a grizzly, a quite lethal thing for sure, killed and ate a man.

And she had cubs who ate too.

But after all, humans are just another animal–and bears are so cute.

And Momma Gaia is just as much bear country and human country.

Pantheism is an attractive ideology to some.

I note that National Geographic passed judgment on the Cecil the lion event in this little piece–Palmer did something illegal.

And the eco issues continue–like wolves and sheep and enviros who pound drums from their high positions.

The Yellowstone story has a prequel discussed in the essay, a repeat offender.

I would remind you that the behavior biologists have a special category for man eaters. Humans are easy prey, slow, thin-skinned, teeth not much good, so Big Bears, Tigers, big cats like Leopards can find humans easy pickins.

Angry or upset elephants kill people all the time. Sharks just consider us easy prey. Salt water and fresh water crocs kill humans regularly when they are available. Alligators can too, and they sure like little pets. On the rivers of Africa the Hippo is the most dangerous to people in boats–big, with big mouths.

Incidentally you can’ outswim a shark or outrun a bear, you can’t even outrun a Hippo intent on getting you.

It’s a tough world out there.

I have a favorite Emergency Medicine columnist named Ed Leape who once wrote that many comfortable whiny 1st world people, like Americans, would not be so whiny and meddlesome if coyotes were as big as minivans–priorities would be different–I think that’s true. If you have to be aware of deadly dangers, not so much time to worry about eating healthy and climate issues.

Humans taste good. That’s why killing a man-eater is probably a good decision.

I am in favor of capital punishment for man killers. Maybe incarceration in a zoo with no hope of parole is a reasonable alternative. Hope the enclosure or cage is strong. I was at the San Antonio zoo in the cat house and a little boy was up against a glass. On the other side was a lion who had a strange look on his face.
The little boy didn’t notice.

Occasionally, in fact any time I get a chance or opportunity, I kill rattlesnakes.
I have lost 2 dogs to rattlesnakes, one the smartest dog I ever had, Willie, who could go to his box and pick out toys by instructions. He got hit on the face from a yard bush lair and fell down unconsicous before he got across the yard. Rattlesnake in the yard gets killed at my house.

5 responses to “Calling all bear lovers–National Geographic

  1. When I was little, before grizzlies were re-introduced to Yellowstone, the Park had signs reading: “Do not feed the bears”. They still have those same signs but they have a much more ominous meaning now.

  2. The National Geographic has the wrong title.
    Their own story lists two key points that they had in their story.
    “partially eaten by a grizzly and her cubs.”
    “partially eaten body under a mound of dirt. Bears typically kill prey and cache it for later consumption.”
    So, the bear used a person for a meal and kept the body for later snacking. As a child our family stayed in the park in a tent-camper. I hope rangers do something before a bear or their cubs learn about eating not from dumpsters but from tents.

  3. but…but… Animal rights

  4. “Crosby had been attacked as he hiked off trail. Notably, he carried no pepper spray, an effective deterrent against aggressive bears.”

    In the bears back yard, No protection, he took a gamble….& lost.

    You cant survive being stupid.

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