Manifest Destiny and such

Here’s an interesting essay on the business of dealing with a bellicose, tribal culture–sound familiar?

Historically it is important to know that force of arms does make a difference, and being a good friend and feared foe is essential for success.

Pacifists and weenies nota bene.

2 responses to “Manifest Destiny and such

  1. B>F> Skinner codified the concepts of positive and negative reinforcement (the “carrot and stick” approach to motivation) and of operant conditioning for the ‘science’ of psychology, even though animal trainers understood these principles from prehistoric times.
    I immediately recognized the picture of Blackjack Pershing that accompanied the article: Pershing had been a personal hero to my grandfather, who served under him during the Mexican Expedition. Pershing had it right, especially during the Moro Rebellion.

  2. Sounds like the neo-cons have it right. if you want events to go your way, you have to be involved. And we might as well get used to it, it will take a lot of time and treasure.

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